10 Things to Know Before Your First Yoga Class

New to yoga? If you're thinking about going to a yoga class for the first time, you might have worries about what it's going to be like. I did before I went to my first class, and that's totally natural when we start something new! Here are 10 things I wish I’d known when I started out to put you at ease, so you can walk in feeling comfortable, calm and confident.

You don’t have to be flexible. In fact, it’s yoga that can help you to become more flexible, so you’re in the perfect place!

It gets easier with time. I remember trying to balance in my first yoga class - I thought I was going to topple over. And downward-facing dog didn’t feel like a resting pose, as the teacher had described it! If something feels challenging at first, don’t panic. Remember that everyone practicing yoga today was once a beginner. It's all good.

Barefoot is the way forward. Or grippy socks if you prefer, but they're not necessary. You’ll avoid a lot of avoid slipping and sliding without socks on!

No one cares if you can do all the poses or hardly any of them. It’s natural to worry about whether we’re ‘doing it right’, but remember that most likely, all anyone else is focused on is what they’re doing! Nobody’s watching you, and everyone is in the same boat.

It’s impossible not to ‘do it right’! The moment you arrive you’ll be doing something positive for yourself, and that’s all that matters. As they say, yoga isn't about learning to touch your toes, it's about what you learn on the way down.

Avoid a big meal beforehand. Otherwise it might not be the best feeling in downward-facing dog, let’s put it that way!

You can ask questions. The class teacher is there to help and support you along your yoga journey, and it's far better to ask than stay quiet and feel confused. Talking to the teacher at the end once a class has finished can be a good opportunity to get your questions answered. No question is a silly question!

There's more to yoga than being flexible. Often yoga is referred to as 'just stretching', but in fact there's so much you can learn if you want to, from meditation and mindfulness to yoga philosophy.

Take your time. No matter what anyone else is doing, remember there’s no rush. Relax, smile, move at your own pace and have fun!

It's okay to fall asleep in svasana. I promise you, you won't be the first or the last!

I hope these thoughts put you at ease and encourage you to take that first step... it might just lead to a journey you'll be glad you started! I find yoga can just be the best medicine, and I hope you will too.

To find out more about the classes I offer, click here. My classes are friendly, informal and suitable for all levels… no experience or flexibility needed! It would be a pleasure to welcome you along.


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