15 Quick Ways to Calm a Busy Mind

Life can feel like a lot sometimes, right? If you find this, you’re not alone! In our non-stop world, it can be easy to feel busy and overwhelmed. But if we have tools, techniques and simple things we can do to ease that sense of stress, we have the potential to feel more relaxed and enjoy our days more. Here you’ll find 15 ideas to help you route back to calm.

Take deep breaths

Breathe in deeply through your nose, and breathe out through your mouth. Slow down your breathing and feel your belly rise and fall. Simple but effective, taking a few deep breaths like this can calm your nervous system, quickly reducing feelings of stress and anxiety.

Visualise yourself calm

First take a few deep breaths, as described above. Then close your eyes and picture yourself calm and relaxed, working through a challenging situation with ease and focus. You can come back to this image anytime you need to reconnect with calm.

Write it down

Grab a notebook or some paper and write down everything that’s on your mind. Don’t worry about spelling or complete sentences, just write. Getting things out of your head and onto paper can a great way to take a step back and see things more clearly.

Journaling with pen and paper

Practice gratitude

Write down 3-5 things you’re grateful for and picture those things in your mind, really feeling gratitude for them. Gratitude is a powerful way to appreciate the good in each day, lessening the impact of stress and anxiety. Making this a daily habit will bring even more benefit.

Relax your body

If your body feels tense, try a progressive muscle relaxation by first lying down comfortably with your arms by your sides and legs uncrossed. Starting at your toes and moving up towards your head, notice how each area feels and allow your muscles to release and relax.

Cuddle a pet

Pets are amazing reminders for us to appreciate and enjoy the little things in life. Petting an animal can help to release tension and connect us to the present moment, pulling us away from unhelpful thoughts and worries. We can learn a lot from our furry friends!

Cat being stroked by owner

Practice mindfulness

Practice noticing your thoughts, rather than reacting to them. You might imagine each thought as a leaf falling from a tree or a cloud floating through the sky, perhaps labelling the type of thoughts you’re having, such as ‘thinking’ or ‘worrying’. Simply return to your breath each time.

Challenge your thoughts

When we’re stressed or anxious, our thoughts can often be irrational. When you experience a worried thought, ask yourself: Has this ever happened before? Is it likely to happen? What’s the worst case scenario, and can I handle that? Remember, a thought is just a thought - not reality.

Get moving

Do something that gets your body moving! You might go for a walk, run, cycle, jump up and down, anything you feel like. Physical activity produces feel-good chemicals called endorphins, which trigger a positive feeling in the body and reduce feelings of stress.

Person wearing trainers walking outside

Try a guided meditation

Meditation apps such as Calm and Headspace are great for anytime you need a moment of quiet, always available and with a teacher to guide you. Simply sit or lie down somewhere comfortable and allow the meditation to help you find a sense of calm and relaxation.

Do something complex (but not too difficult)

When we feel anxious, our minds wander more than usual, which only increases our anxiety. Engaging in a complex task is a way to reduce mind-wandering by changing our focus. Pick an activity you enjoy such as writing, colouring, a puzzle or a sport, make it slightly more difficult.

Talk to someone

In a similar way to writing things down, sharing thoughts and worries with someone you trust can be helpful for reducing levels of stress and anxiety. It may even give you a different perspective or help you explore ways of navigating a challenging situation.

Two people chatting and drinking coffee

Repeat a mantra

Choose a word, phrase or sentence that helps you to relax and repeat it when you feel stressed or anxious. For example, 'breathe', ‘I am calm’ or ‘I can get through anything’. Pick any words that are meaningful to you and use them as a reminder to come back to the present.

Listen to calming music

Relaxing music can help us to find calm and improve our ability to focus - the perfect tool for times when thoughts and worries seem relentless. Listen with full awareness, paying attention to the sounds, and allow the music to relax you.


It can be hard to smile when you don’t feel happy. But whether real or not, smiling sends a message to our brain that everything is okay. Smiling can be an effective way to instantly shift how we feel, boosting our mood and bringing about feelings of joy.

I hope some of these ideas are useful. We’re all different of course, so perhaps give them a try and see what works for you. Maybe you even have your own? Just remember, it doesn’t have to be much. A little can go a long way, so carve out those mindful moments when you can to shift your mindset from chaos to calm. They’re always worthwhile and work wonders!

To find out more about yoga classes in Chippenham with Kelly, click here.


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